Welcome to the MeepleForge website.

Here is the link for you to download the free version of the Brig and Frigate ships.

Please be aware that this product contains small items and may not be suitable for young children.


These models have been designed to be PRINTED AS IS and they DO NOT require any additional supports. You can send the STL files directly to your printer.

Before painting, ensure that models are clean of any excess filament strands. We have test printed these models on an Ultimaker 3 filament printer and also on an Anycubic MonoX Resin Printer.

If you have any questions on how to print on YOUR printer or you have any issues – Please get in touch.

All models are for PERSONAL USE ONLY and any unauthorized reproduction, use, scanning or copying of electronic files or physical objects 3D printed from those files will constitute an infringement of copyright. Commercial use, selling, giving away free or hiring of the electronic files or the Physical objects produced from those files is strictly forbidden under this copyright.

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All files and rights Copyright ©2022 MeepleForge.